Monday, June 30, 2008

Mo Scollan: Waiting (Big Red chair)

Waiting (Big Red Chair)

What a fabulous painting! One leg stepping forward as if for a dance, but no wallflower here. Immerse yourself in red. $1800.
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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Everyone who takes the pedestrian bridges at Bergstrom passes through the energized space of Transition, a playful, colorful mosaic piece that James Talbot created under the aegis of Art in Public Places. Longtime residents will remember the mirror-mosaic unicorn that graced the entrance to Folk Toys, and one can still see the stonework arch entrance which now leads to law offices just west of the Capitol.

Today one can see the glittering intricate bead-work hangings and sculpture that Talbot makes in his home studio: His work is available for viewing at the office of Gay Fay Kelly Art. Just call 512.827.8220 to set up an appointment.
